Dark Asset – (2023)

Hello Again, Gorehounds.

More movie madness for you here this afternoon. Heating the summer up with some action is what it’s all about. Today we are going to review an Action/Sci-Fi film called, Dark Asset. For those that love the Cyborg/Genetic/Replicant-type films, this one might be a winner for you.

Synopsis: This is the standard fare of a government project that uses technology to improve humankind and make them more efficient weapons and killers. Gee, that hasn’t been done before.

Overview: As with nearly every other one of these types of films, the robot escapes and goes on a killing spree. Then, you have to send another skilled robot to go find it and kill it. Again, cookie-cutter. Only this one has a little different themes of government conspiracy thrown in for good measure.

Bottom Line: We have never seen Byron Mann in a movie before, and he was pretty good as the main character, also we never saw Helena Mattsson in a role before. We must say that the both of them made an impact, and of particular note was it looked like the producers of Species III let Helena keep the red dress. The film was cliche, the plot was not one that was fresh and new, and it definitely did not bring anything new to the table for the genre. Was not a bad film, but definitely not one that will stand out in one’s mind 6 months from now.

Rating: 3 out 5 (We gave Helena the extra star)



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